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Purpose: Statistics and Plotting
Latest version: 4.6.4
Licence: Open Source - BSD ext-link
Website: ext-link

Conda is an open source package management system and environment management system that quickly installs, runs and updates packages and their dependencies. It, also, easily creates, saves, loads and switches between environments. It was created for Python programs, but it can package and distribute software for any language (Python, R, Ruby, Lua, Scala, Java, JavaScript, C/ C++, FORTRAN...).

Since the 2.7 version of Python is going to be deprecated in 2020ext-link, 3.x version should be your default choice.


One of the most powerful characteristic of CONDA is the use of virtual environments to set-up your project software needs. Each of them is independent, so the management of different versions of the same software can be done in a straight forward way.

By default there are some basic environments installed in the system separated by fields of knowledge:

Environment nameDescription

Environment with some of the most important software of machine learning, such as TensowFlow, Keras, Pytorch or Sklearn.


Machine learning environment with support for GPU usage.

Environment with bio-computational packages like BioPython, BioPerl and ClustalW.
Environment with packages that allow chemical calculations like Pyscf .

However if you need a new package or some specific version, a custom environment can be easily created by the user himself. Those custom environments are installed in ~/.conda/env/<env_name> by default.

Useful commands

conda env list
List available environments.
conda activate env_name
Activate the environment env_name.
conda list
List installed packages in the active conda environment.
conda create -n my_env
Create an environment called my_env. The custom creation path is ~/.conda/envs/my_env.
conda install package
Install the package in the active conda environment.

SLURM Submit script example

This script example has been generated using the Job Script Generator.

#SBATCH -J conda_example
#SBATCH -e conda_example.err
#SBATCH -o conda_example.out
#SBATCH -p std
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem=2000MB

module load apps/conda/3



conda activate environment_name

cp ./* $OUTPUT_DIR

Sbatch options:

  • -JSpecify a name for the job allocation. The default is the name of the batch script.
  • -e: Specify a name for the error output file.
  • -o: Specify a name for the output file.
  • -p: Specify the name of the partition (queue) where the job will be submitted. The default is std.
  • --nodes: Number of nodes requested for allocation.
  • --ntasks: Number of processes requested for allocation.
  • --mem, --mem-per-cpu: Memory allocated per node/core respectively. If it is not specified SLURM associates:
    • 3998MB per requested core in std and gpu nodes.
    • 24180MB per requested core in mem nodes.

  • No labels