Fill the following form to generate a script submission file.

Required information

Software information

A full list of the available software can be found here.
Specify a name for the job allocation. The specified name will appear along with the job id number when querying running jobs on the system with the squeue command .
Absolute path. Output files will be copied there.
- :
Set a run time limit (dd-hh:mm).

Extra information

Email address where to receive notifications about changes on job's state.
std: The default queue. Jobs requires less memory than 3900 MB/core
std-fat: Jobs requires between 3900 MB and 7900 MB of memory per core.
mem: Jobs requires between 7900 MB and 24180 MB of memory per core. (Acces Restricted).
gpu: Job requires the use of P100 Nvidia GPGPU. (Acces Restricted).
knl: Job requires the use the 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processor (Knights Landing). (Acces Restricted).
Number of cores needed for parallel jobs.
Total number of requested nodes. Set a "0" value to let SLURM assign the minimum number of nodes (only in the generator).
Total number of MPI processes for parallel execution.
Number of OMP threads per task for parallel execution.
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