We recommend using Linux as the operative system in your local machine, as it is the most straight-forward way to transfer files. Other Unix-based systems (such as MacOS) are also widely compatible. Connecting from a pre-Windows 10 machine could be more complex and will need a scp/sftp client such as PuTTY Secure Copy client_ext-link or MobaXterm_ext-link.

Transferring files from Linux / MacOS:

Uploading files

Upload your files from your local machine to the HPC Cluster: 

scp -P 2122 <local_file_path> <youruser>@hpc.csuc.cat:<remote_file_path>

Downloading files

Due to the lack of internet connection inside the HPC cluster, it is not possible to download files directly from it but from the local machine.

Therefore, from our local machine, open a console and execute the following command:

scp -P 2122 <remote_file_path>:<youruser>@hpc.csuc.cat <local_file_path>