The main separate data storage locations in our HPC machines are:

  • The /home/$USER volume can be accessed from all machines. It is a permanent storage space, with regular back-up and a group quota of 50 - 200 GB. This is the storage unit that should be used for permanent inputs, model files, scripts, and other such files.
  • The /scratch/$USER volume can be accessed from all machines. It provides a convenient location for produce large data files (such as long simulation outputs), with a personal quota of 1TB. Files in /scratch/ can be automatically deleted after 30 days, and the unit is not backed-up.
  • The /tmp/$USER/ is the local disk space in each node, allowing for fast I/O rate, but can only be accessed from the node itself. Once job is finished, temporal files are copied automatically to /scratch/$USER/tmp/$JOBID and files in /tmp/$USER/$JOBID are cleared.

So, as a summary:

NameVariableAvailabilityQuotaTime limitBackup
/home/$USER$HOMEGlobal50 - 200 GB*Unlimited(tick) Yes

1 TB

30 days(error) No
/scratch/$USER/tmp/$JOBID$SHAREDSCRATCH7 days
/tmp/$USER/$JOBID$LOCALSCRATCHLocal to node-Job's duration(error) No

* The storage quota is account-wide and depends on the basic pack aquired.

The users’ home directories are offered by a NetApp FAS8020 NFS server and the shared scratch by the BeeGFS cluster.