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In this tutorial, we will perform a molecular dynamics simulation of a protein (Esculentin-1A, from Pelophylax esculentus) using Gromacs version 2018.1.

Apart from the actual molecular dynamics program, Gromacs contains a long list of specific tools for the preparation, analysis and post-processing of MD simulations. Since it is open source software, it is highly advisable to install Gromacs in your local machine to perform these auxiliary operations.
Identical versions are desirable, but most often there is good compatibility within series (e. g. 5.1.x, or 4.6.x).

Schematic secondary structure of the protein we will be simulating.



Step 1: generate the Gromacs input files

We start by downloading the pdb file from the RCSB Protein Data Bank. This file format, designed for peptides, contains the aminoacid sequence of esculentin and additional structural information. However, this format differs from Gromacs structure inputs. We will use the Gromacs tool pdb2gmx to convert the file to Gromacs-readable format.

In our local machine, we move to a directory containing the pdb file and type:

gmx pdb2gmx -f 2n6m.pdb -o esculentin.gro -p -ignh

Since we haven't specified the force field or water model, the program will demand these interactively. We will choose GROMOS96 54a7 as the force field and the less accurate but inexpensive SPC water model. We have also instructed pdb2gmx to ignore hydrogen atoms in the pdb file (-ignh option). More information about gmx pdb2gmx here.

This command will generate three files in the current directory.

Structure file (.gro)

    1GLY      N    1   0.133   0.000   0.000
    1GLY     H1    2   0.118  -0.094   0.030
    1GLY     H2    3   0.185   0.049   0.070
    1GLY     H3    4   0.045   0.045  -0.014
    1GLY     CA    5   0.207   0.000  -0.125
    1GLY      C    6   0.234   0.140  -0.176
    1GLY      O    7   0.196   0.174  -0.288
    2ILE      N    8   0.300   0.221  -0.094
    2ILE      H    9   0.328   0.188  -0.004
    2ILE     CA   10   0.332   0.359  -0.132
   21GLY      C  199  -1.436   0.231  -2.356
   21GLY     O1  200  -1.539   0.169  -2.328
   21GLY     O2  201  -1.386   0.228  -2.482
   0.10000   0.10000   0.10000

The structure file contains information about the atoms that conform the system we are simulating.

  • Line 1: contains the system name.
  • Line 2: contains the total number of atoms in the file (must match the actual number of lines).
  • Lines 3-16: each line corresponds to one atom in the system, containing the following information (left to right):
    • Residue number and type (for instance, the first residue in the file is glycine).
    • Atom type. If more than one atom of the same type is present in a residue, these are also consecutively numbered.
    • Atom number.
    • Coordinates of the atom, XYZ, in nm.
  • Line 17: contains the simulation box size, in nm.

More information about the .gro file can be found here.

Topology file (.top)

#include "gromos54a7.ff/forcefield.itp"

[ moleculetype ]
Protein_chain_A     3

[ atoms ]
     1         NL      1    GLY      N      1      0.129    14.0067
     2          H      1    GLY     H1      1      0.248      1.008
     3          H      1    GLY     H2      1      0.248      1.008

[ bonds ]
    1     2     2    gb_2
    1     3     2    gb_2
    1     4     2    gb_2

[ pairs ]
    1     7     1 
    1     8     1 
    2     6     1 

[ angles ]
    2     1     3     2    ga_10
    2     1     4     2    ga_10
    2     1     5     2    ga_11

[ dihedrals ]
    2     1     5     6     1    gd_39
    1     5     6     8     1    gd_45
    1     5     6     8     1    gd_42

[ dihedrals ]
    6     5     8     7     2    gi_1
    8     6    10     9     2    gi_1
   10     8    15    11     2    gi_2

#ifdef POSRES
#include "posre.itp"

#include "gromos54a7.ff/spc.itp"

[ position_restraints ]
   1    1       1000       1000       1000

#include "gromos54a7.ff/ions.itp"

[ system ]

[ molecules ]
Protein_chain_A 1

The topology file contains the necessary parameters to model bonded and non-bonded interactions. If the .gro file is a snapshot of the system, the .top file contains how it will behave.

Lines beginning with a semicolon ( ; ) in the topology file are comments and do not contain information for the program; they are intended to enhance human readability. We have omitted comments from the excerpts below.


Describing in detail the different sections of this file is beyond the scope of this tutorial (see the Gromacs reference manual for more information). However, some remarks on the file:

  • [ moleculetype ], [ system ] and [ molecules ] identify the parts and molecules in our system.
  • [ atoms ] provides the necessary details about each of the atoms in the .gro file, including type, charge and mass.
  • [ bonds ], [ pairs ], [ angles ] and [ dihedrals ] contain the parameters for the interactions between sets of two, three or four atoms.
  • [ position_restraints ] contains constraint functions.
  • The #include mechanism recalls additional parameter from auxiliary topology sources (.itp files).

More information about the .top file can be found here.

Include topology file (.itp)

Include topology files are auxiliary files containing additional topology information. They can be called into the main topology file via the #include mechanism, thus allowing for a modular approach to topology definitions (for instance, for special solvent parameters). File format is identical to .top files.

[ position_restraints ]
     1     1  1000  1000  1000
     5     1  1000  1000  1000
     6     1  1000  1000  1000
     7     1  1000  1000  1000

In our case, pdb2gmx generates a .itp file containing position restraints for all heavy (i.e. non-H) atoms in our protein. This will become handy later.

Step 2: set up the simulation box

Now we will build the simulation box and add water molecules to the system. We use the Gromacs program editconf:

gmx editconf -f esculentin.gro -o esculenbox.gro -box 5 5 5

This will generate a cubic box, 5 nm in length, and center the protein inside it. The new structure file is esculenbox.gro. More information about gmx editconf here.

Next, we will add water molecules to solvate the protein. We use the Gromacs program solvate:

gmx solvate -cp esculenbox.gro -o solvated.gro -p

This will add about 4000 water molecules to our box. The final structure file (including both the solvent and the solute) is solvated.gro, and the topology file has been updated to include the solvent information - the older version is backed up as More information about gmx solvate here.

Step 3: configure the simulation

So far, we have correctly set up the molecular structures in our system, the simulation box and the interaction parameters that will determine the dynamics of the system. One last step before running the simulation is to configure the simulation itself - length, step time, temperature/pressure coupling, etc. We do this via another input file, the .mdp file.

Since default values for most options are fine for this tutorial, we will use a simple file, options.mdp.

integrator		= md
nsteps			= 50000000
nstxout			= 50000
coulombtype		= PME
fourierspacing	= 0.15
tcoupl			= v-rescale
tau-t			= 0.2 0.2
ref-t			= 298.15 298.15
tc-grps			= Protein Non-protein
pcoupl			= berendsen
compressibility	= 4.5e-5
tau-p			= 0.2
ref-p			= 1.0

In summary, we will run a molecular dynamics simulation, using a leap-frog integrator, with a time step of 0.001 ps, for a total simulation length of 50 ns, and will handle electrostatics using a Particle-Mesh Ewald calculation. Temperature and pressure will be fixed at 298 K, 1 bar.

Please consult the extensive Gromacs documentation for details on the implementation.

Finally, all these files (.gro, .top, .mdp) need to be transformed into a run input file (.tpr). The .tpr is a single file containing all the relevant information (about the system, about the force field, and about the simulation) to run. We use the Gromacs program grompp to generate it:

gmx grompp -f options.mdp -c solvated.gro -p -o esculentin.tpr 

The resulting esculentin.tpr input file is the only file we need to feed to Gromacs to run our simulation.

Step 5: prepare a shell script

In order to submit the job, we need to compose a shell script including module preparation and the Gaussian command. We will use the script esculentin.lsf:

# BSUB -J esculentin
# BSUB -o esculentin.log
# BSUB -e esculentin.err
# BSUB -N -u youremail@wherever
# BSUB -n 24

. /opt/modules/default/init/bash
module purge
module load gromacs/5.1.1

cd $HOME/your_chosen_path
mpirun -np 24 gmx_mpi mdrun -s esculentin.tpr

A brief reminder of LSF files structure:

  • Line 1: must be present to identify the file as a bash script.
  • Line 2: defines the job name in the LSF system.
  • Line 3: instructs LSF to send standard output from the job to a file.
  • Line 4: instructs LSF to send error output from the job to a file.
  • Line 5: requests the job report to be sent via email (remember to change this to your actual email address).
  • Line 6: requests 24 cores for the job.
  • Line 8: configures the shell environment for the modules package.
  • Line 9: unloads and cleans all previously loaded modules (providing a clean slate).
  • Line 10: loads the module Gromacs, version 5.1.1, and its dependences.
  • Line 12: move to an appropriate working directory; make sure it matches the location of the required input files (see below).
  • Line 13: this is the line that actually launches the calculation. We will run Gromacs using 24 MPI ranks (one per core).

Step 6: upload the files to the server

We need to upload the LSF script and run input file onto the HPC storage. From our local directory holding the files, we will use this command:

scp -P 2122 esculentin.lsf esculentin.tpr

If you want to send the files to a different path, just make sure you create the appropriate directory in advance. This path should match the cd instruction in your shell script.

scp -P 2122 [input file(s)]

Step 7: launch and monitor the job

To launch the job, we remotely log in to the HPC facilities. From any terminal:

ssh -p2122

We will arrive at our /home/youruser/ directory. If we have uploaded the files to a different directory, we should move to it.

 cd /your_chosen_path/

To launch the job, we send the esculentin.lsf script to bsub:

bsub < esculentin.lsf

LSF will automatically send the job to a queue that meets its requirements. If we want to submit it to a specific queue, we use -q. For instance:

bsub < esculentin.lsf -q parallel32

For an overview of the queues and their limitations:


To check on the job status:


The output of this program looks like this:

329644  user    RUN   memory     hpc1        24*collsero esculentin Mar  9 10:28
  • JOBID indicates the number that identifies the job in the LSF system
  • STAT indicates job status (PENDing, RUNning)
  • EXEC_HOST indicates the node where the job is executed
  • JOB_NAME is the label we provided with BSUB -J in the script

We can cancel a pending or running job:

bkill yourJOBID

Step 8: retrieve the results

When the job is complete, we will receive an email notification (due to the BSUB -N -u line in our shell script) providing details of its execution.

To retrieve the output files, we run the relevant commands in terminal (from the local directory where we want to download the files):

scp -P 2122 .
scp -P 2122 .
scp -P 2122 .
scp -P 2122 .

sftp provides a friendlier alternative that allows real time file management over a ssh connection.

Each of these files contains specific information about the run.

  • md.log is the general (human-readable) output of the simulation, containing all the relevant set-up details, periodical summaries of the simulation and performance information.
  • traj.trr is the trajectory file, containing the position of each atom throughout the simulation.
  • topol.tpr is the internal topology file, detailing the force field implementation.
  • ener.edr is the energy log, required for analysis with gmx energy.

Gromacs incorporates a large number of programs to analyse the simulation. As an example, we will check the α-helix structure presented by esculentin.

First, we need to transform the trajectory file to remove periodic boundary conditions:

gmx trjconv -pbc mol -center

When prompted for a centring group and an output group, we choose "System".

Then we generate an index file containing the protein:

gmx make_ndx -f solvated.gro

Since default groups are enough for this example, when in interactive mode press q and enter to finish.

And finally, to generate α-helix statistics we use

gmx helix

This will generate a number of plots (in Grace format) and other output files.


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