We recommend using Linux as the operative system in your local machine. Other Unix-based systems (such as MacOS) are also widely compatible. Connecting from a pre-Windows 10 machine could be more complex and will need a ssh/sftp client such as PuTTY_ext-link or MobaXterm_ext-link.

Follow the following instructions to log onto our machines from a terminal:

If it is the first time connection, the system will require you a password reset.

The new password must fulfil the following requisites:

  • Minimum of 8 characters.
  • Minimum of 1 capital letter [ A - Z ]
  • Minimum of 1 number [ 0 - 9 ]
  • Minimum of 1 punctuation sign [ . , ; : ? ¿ ! ¡ \  / - _ + * { } ( ) ]

Connecting from Linux / MacOS:

1. Open your terminal and connect to CSUC cluster using your credentials trough the 2122 port and ssh protocol:

ssh -p2122 <youruser>@hpc.csuc.cat

2. Once the connection has been established successfully, a welcome message will print out:

Last login: Thu Jan  9 15:59:40 2020 from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
|                      Welcome to CSUC HPC Service                      |
|            Use 'module av' to see available apps and tools            |
|                                                                       |
|               Runtimes have to be specified for all jobs              |
|                                                                       |
|   Check our portal for documentation & support: http://hpc.csuc.cat   |
| std nodes |        1536 |            1465 |         1544 |       95 % |
| fat nodes |         288 |               0 |            0 |        0 % |
| mem nodes |         288 |             272 |            0 |       94 % |
| gpu nodes |         144 |               0 |            0 |        0 % |
| knl nodes |         816 |               0 |            0 |        0 % |
| res nodes |         672 |             304 |            0 |       45 % |
|                        CSUC HPC Service: consum                       |
|                    Period: 2020-01-01 to 2021-01-01                   |
|         UCs consumed by user ifernandez:                              |
|           - Standard nodes (1 UC/hour)               39.63 UC         |
|           - Standard fat nodes (1.5 UC/hour)         14.28 UC         |
|           - Shared memory (2 UC/hour)                 0.01 UC         |
|           - GPU nodes (1 UC/hour)                    21.57 UC         |
|            - KNL nodes (0.5 UC/hour                   2.21 UC         |
|           Total                                      63.42 UC         |
|         UCs consumed by group csuc:                 340.04 UC         |
|         UCs allocated to the group (2020):     10000000.00 UC         |
 ifernandez represents 18.65% of the group consumption.
 See "consum --help" for more details.

Connecting from Windows:

Windows 10

Windows 10 has the option of installing a complete Linux subsystem inside itself. Follow this official guide_ext-link from Microsoft® for more information.

Connecting with PuTTY:

1. Download and install the software from the official website_ext-link.

2. Execute it and fill the configuration window with the following connection information:

Category:  Session

Host Name: hpc.csuc.cat

Port: 2122

Connection type: SSH

Optionally, the settings can be saved for future connections.

Category: Data

Auto-login username: Your user name

3. Accept the security alert message and introduce your password.

4. Once the connection has been established successfully, a welcome message will print out (see Connecting from Linux / MacOS section).