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This article lists the memory limits for jobs launched through the Slurm job manager, and suggests how to request memory resources for different types of jobs.

Available memory per node:

  1. Standard partition:
    1. Thin nodes (pirineus1-44, -p std): 192 GB/node (4GB/core)
    2. Fat nodes (pirineus45-50, -p std-


    1. fat): 384 GB/node (8GB/core)
  1. Shared memory partition (canigo1-2, -p mem): 4.6 TB/node (24 GB/core)
  2.  GPGPU partition (pirineusgpu1-4, -p gpu): 192 GB/node (4 GB/core)
  3. KNL partition (pirineusknl1-4, -p knl): 384 GB/node (8 GB/core)

How to request memory:

  • Memory is not charged as a separate resource.


  • Jobs are assigned the


  • fraction of the node's memory


  • corresponding to the fraction of CPUs requested


  • ; for example, if you request four cores in the std partition, your job will be allocated 4*4=16GB of memory.
  • Alternatively, you can request a total memory size, and your job will be assigned enough cores to fulfil that requirement; be


  • mindful of the number of nodes


  • that translates into.
  • If you can limit or estimate the memory-per-core requirement of your program, the std, std-fat and mem partitions are structured in such a way that switching partitions to a more memory-intensive one is less expensive than requesting additional, unnecessary cores in a less memory-intensive partition.
  • It is sensible to demand slightly less in-program memory than the memory demanded to Slurm, to account for auxiliary processes, operating system, etc. We recommend to leave a couple of GBs per job free for this purpose.

There are two


ways of specifying memory requirements in Slurm: demanding


memory per


core or demanding total memory per



Total memory per node is demanded with option --mem=size[unit], where unit is one of M for megabytes, G for gigabytes or T for terabytes.

Code Block
sbatch --mem=48G [other parameters]


 your_script.slm # Request a total memory of 48 GB per 


sbatch --mem=1T [other parameters]


 your_script.slm # Request a total memory of 1 TB per node

If no unit is specified, the value is interpreted as a number of megabytes.

The upper limit for this value is the total memory of the node (see table above). Note that if more than one node is requested, it is not possible to demand different memory sizes for different nodes – the same memory size will be requested in each node.

Memory per core is demanded with option --mem-per-cpu=size[unit], where again unit is one of M for megabytes, G for gigabytes or T for terabytes.

Code Block
sbatch --mem-per-cpu=


6G [other parameters]




















 # Request a total memory of 




GB per core


If the value requested for this


option is above the




memory limit of the


partition (see table above)




--cpus-per-task is automatically defined so that


enough cores are assigned to each task to satisfy the memory requirement: for instance, if a job sent to a


thin node of the


std partition (48 cores, max. 4 GB per core) specifies -n 4 and --mem-per-cpu=


8G, it will be interpreted as a job with


4 tasks, each


running on


2 cores with 4GB per core



As a final note, the Slurm implementation of memory limits relies on Resident Set Size (RSS); if you need to fine-tune your program's memory requirements, you might be interested in reading more about how that metric is computed.

titleRestricted queues

Remember that jobs sent to the


gpu partition are always assigned whole 24-core sockets, and


jobs sent to the


knl partition are always allotted whole nodes. Jobs sent to the


std, std-fat and mem partitions, on the other


hand, are free to specify any number of cores, and allow for greater flexibility




Best practices:

  • Prioritise


  • less memory-


  • intensive partitions if possible, as they tend to have a higher turnout. Request the partition with the smallest memory-per-core profile that you can fit your job in.
  • If you


  • manually specify memory requirements


  • in excess of the partition default, try to incorporate and utilise the additional cores rather than have them idly stand by, if possible.
  • Don't demand exactly as much memory as your calculation requires. Reserve a portion of your requested memory for system processes; 1-3 GB is fairly reasonable, depending on your calculation



sbatch -p mem -c 12 -mem=1500G example.slm

Requests 1.5TB of memory for a job with a single task run on 12 cores (for instance, for an OpenMP application with 12 threads) on canigo. Note that we have to request canigo (-p mem) because it's the only architecture with enough memory per node to run the job.  Since we define -c (equivalent to --cpus-per-task) but not -n (equivalent to --ntasks), Slurm requests a single task with the specified number of CPUs.

sbatch -p std -N 2 -n 96 --mem-per-cpu=3G example.slm

Requests 96 tasks, distributed across 2 thin nodes (for instance, for an MPI application with 96 processes) of the standard partition (-p mem), with 3GB per cpu (144 GB/node, or 288 GB in total).

sbatch -p std -C mem --mem-per-cpu=64G example.slm

Requests a single task in a fat node (-C mem) of the standard partition (-p std). Since the memory per core requested (64 GB) is larger than the memory per core in the fat node (8 GB/core), --cpus-per-task will be automatically adjusted to the number of cores necessary to fulfill the memory request - so the task will run in 8 cores, for a total memory of 64 GB.

sbatch -p std -N 2 --mem=48G example.slm


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