Purpose: Fire Simulator
Latest version: 6.7.1
Licence: (tick) Free of use
                 Open Source
Website: https://pages.nist.gov/fds-smv/_ext-link

FDS is a program for fire simulations.

FDS is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program which implements large eddy simulations (LES) for the analysis of fire evolution and fire-driven fluid flows, including smoke and heat transfer. Its companion program Smokeview allows for the visualisation and analysis of fire dynamics.

SLURM Submit script example

More information about the submit script can be found using the Job Script Generator.

#SBATCH -J fds_example
#SBATCH -e fds_example.err
#SBATCH -o fds_example.out
#SBATCH -p std
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -t 0-02:00

module load apps/fds/6.6.0
#  Modify the input and output files!
#  You don't need to modify nothing more

Sbatch options:

The options shown in the example are detailed below. For more information and a more comprehensive list of available options, see the sbatch command page.

  • -J: Name for the job's allocation.
  • -e: Name of the sterr redirection filename.
  • -o: Name of the stdout redirection filename.
  • -p: Name of the partition (queue) where the job will be submited.
  • -n: Number of tasks.

  • -c: Number of cores per task.
  • -t: Set the job's time limit. If the job don't finish before the time runs out, it will be killed.